Alkaline Water Benefits – Hype, Myth and Reality

alkaline water benefitsAlkaline water is the subject of much conversation right now. There are opinions everywhere about whether it is good for you or bad for you. Whatever your position might be on alkaline water, one thing is for sure it’s here to stay and the consumption by the drinking public is getting stronger and stronger.

What’s The Big Deal With This Water?

Alkaline water is claimed to be different from tap water and bottled water the two standard methods of drinking water in America and many other parts of the world for decades. Alkaline water is different from tap and bottled water because of its higher pH levels which give it better hydration, provides anti-oxidant benefits and for some it has been known to have super health benefits such as reducing or removing acid reflux, lowering blood pressure and providing some relief from diabetes.

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock you’ve heard the horror stories about the hazards of drinking tap water and the awful chemicals and possible harmful things that come along with the tap water from our water systems. Lead, chromium 6, arsenic and a host of other health threatening chemicals are regularly reported found in the nation’s tap water system, the most recent being the high profile stories about the Flint Michigan water crisis.

Bottled water is a billion dollar booming business and millions of consumers now drink bottled water as an alternative to tap water. The most common reason for the millions that drink bottled water instead of tap water is because it is thought to be safer, cleaner and healthier for consumption purposes.

Unfortunately, that has been determined not to be the case. The two largest bottled water companies in America, Dasani produced by Coca Cola and Aquafina produced by Pepsi Cola were forced to admit that their bottled water actually comes from the same source as tap water. Therefore, one can conclude that bottled water is no better than tap water.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Clean Water Act provide for basic standards that our nation’s water supply must meet for drinking water purposes. One of those standards requires water municipalities to provide water through tap water systems with a pH of a minimum of 7. A pH of 7 means it is slightly alkaline. Our bodies must maintain a pH of about 7 to maintain its health. The problem is that in order to maintain this pH balance for tap water purposes there are so many other chemicals that have to be used in the municipal water system to accomplish the required pH level.

These chemicals often are not kept within the safety limits required by law and ultimately travel through our tap water systems and come out through our water faucets.

The pH system is measured between 0-14 with 7 and above being alkaline. The more alkaline our bodies are the better because it supports the human body’s ability to fight off infection and heal itself if an infection is present.

Alkaline water can be produced through a process called ionization which produces alkaline water with a pH of 8 and above. This is usually done in homes by using a water ionizer machine that hooks up to a faucet, filters the water and creates alkaline water through a safe measured process that produces alkaline water at various pH levels between 8 and 14. Alkaline water can also be purchased in major stores as well.

The Benefits of Alkaline Water

There are numerous alkaline water benefits also known as electrolyzed water. They are too many for this one article and will be addressed in other articles on this site.

What’s In Your Water? Have you checked your water supply source? If not you should do so. Don’t rely on bottled water. Much of it is acidic and adds to the problem rather than help solve the acidity problems so many suffer from.

Click the link: Get The Facts About The Water You’re Likely Drinking. It could make a difference with your health.


Roy Landers