
Category Archives for "Health and Safety"

Boost Your Health With Fruit Infused Water

Boost Your Health With
Fruit Infused Water

Fruit Infused Water

Fruit infused water – a simple and effective to hydrate the body and help maintain health. Most people think that to boost health and prevent disease you have to maintain a rigid diet. But that's not true. In fact, many of the fad diets you see out there are just that “fads.” They cost you a lot of money and after you’ve punished yourself and got no results you are more frustrated than ever.

I’m not saying all the diets sold and promoted are bad. Some are very good, but wouldn’t it be great if you just had a simply way to increase your health and help your body do its natural job of warding off disease and maintaining your body in a maximum health state.

One of the ways you can help do that is with fruit infused water. Medical experts have concluded that drinking fruit infused water can be very beneficial. Included in such benefits are better digestion, detoxifying your body and numerous other health benefits like:

· Boosts your metabolism.

· Fills you up so you don't eat as much junk.

· Naturally helps your body release fat cells.

If you’re a health conscious person who needs a kick start to start leading a healthier life and want to get simple yet effect start, then this article and its contents can definitely gets you off to a good start.

This is a great step in educating yourself on the proper methods you can use to boost your health and help prevent disease

By the way, if you really want a simple and effective way to immediately start reaping the benefits of living a healthy live with fruit infused water, you should consider (1) making sure you are drinking the right kind of water (all water is not equal) and (2) get a fruit infused bottle that makes fruit infused water for you. Check it out here

Here’s to your health,

P.S. Is The Water Your're Drinking Hazardous To Your Health? Click here to find out!

A Quick and Easy Way to Natural Heartburn Relief and Acid Reflux

Heartburn Relief and Acid Reflux Success Without Strong Medication

Heartburn Relief Seeker

Are you searching for heartburn relief and acid reflux help? Have you been taking over the counter or perhaps even prescription medication to obtain relief from this disease that affects 40 million American citizens, but are disappointed with the results? The pain seems to stick around and nothing seems to give any long term relief.

Most people think that to gain heartburn relief you have to take strong medication. But that's not true. In fact, pharmaceutical makers of prescription medications that may be harmful to your health are praying you never see this article.  This information is intended to give you helpful information on how you can get natural relief from heartburn and acid reflux without medication whether over the counter or prescription according to the latest medical experts' reports.

Nothing makes me angrier than hearing from heartburn suffers and acid reflux sufferers who feel frustrated with the medicines they are taking with no relief and are getting sicker as time goes by. The problem with heartburn relief is that there's so much "junk" out there, it's hard to know what's true and what's a bunch of BS. Luckily for you, this article shares a little known secret for natural heartburn relief as well as acid reflux.

What’s the secret? It’s water. Yes, plain and simple….its water. But it’s the type of water that matters. Alkaline water the water that provides relief for heartburn and acid reflux. Unfortunately there are a number of myths about alkaline water that aren't true.

Medical experts and doctors now agree that ALKALINE WATER with at least a pH level of 8.8 or higher is proven to give relief or cures heartburn and acid reflux. Who would have thought that? Well its true and it makes perfect sense. Our bodies are over 70% water. Most people don’t drink enough of it.

What most people [and hopefully you aren’t one of them or you won’t be after you read this article] drink is soda and other liquids throughout the day without realizing that sodas and commercial drinks are full of acid. This is just the opposite of what you want. But if you didn’t know and nobody told you it’s not your fault. Most doctors don’t even know about this new finding. Heck, most doctors don’t even know about the amazing qualities of alkaline water and how it can help to maintain the body’s ability to be a disease fighting machine.

Our nation’s diet is just way to acidic. Hamburgers, sauces, chips and dips, french fries, sodas, fast foods, etc.….all loaded with acid and things that we just love to eat not realizing we are creating an environment for disease to one day flare up and cause us numerous problems.

With all this acidic environment it makes a perfect storm for heartburn and acid reflux to show itself and create big problems. Then comes the Tums, the Prilosec, Tagamet, Nexium, Maalox, and all the prescriptions, while well-meaning, often don’t get the job done and quite frankly can make things worse as you can see from the medical reports provided in this article.

Bottom Line….Alkaline Water can be a natural cure for heartburn and acid reflux. The question may be “where do I get it” Sure you can purchase alkaline water from a store but it won’t be fresh and it won’t have all the properties that are needed for hydration and other things your body needs. In addition, you will have to constantly purchase it to keep the alkaline coming. That will get very expensive with the average bottle of water costing a minimum of $1.25 or more and you need to drink several a day.

Plain bottled waters won’t do it because almost all bottled water sold by bottled water companies is acidic in the first place and comes directly from the same source as your tap water. Probably didn’t know that did you? See for yourself here.

Tap water certainly won’t do it because it has no alkaline properties whatsoever. The best way for you to ensure you have a constant supply of fresh powerful alkaline water with a pH level of 8.8 or more is to purchase your own alkaline water system. It’s affordable, durable and can help you get rid of or control your heartburn or acid reflux.

Hope this article has been enlightening,

P.S. By the way, if you really want to know more about natural relief for heartburn and the powerful and beneficial effects of drinking alkaline water get our Free Ebook – 7 Powerful Live Changing Secrets About Alkaline Water. Check it out. Click here!

Is Juicing Good For You?

Beware! Benefits of Juicing Are Overrated

The Low Down On Juicing Diet Plans

Is Juicing Good For You?

Juicing! You’ve heard it time and time again. One of the best ways to lose weight and get healthy is to get on this type of diet. The health gurus spout pundits on the benefits of juicing and what wonderful results you will get if you follow such a plan.

No need to tell you that there are thousands of diets and many are helpful but a juicing diet may do more harm that good if you aren’t wise enough to know what damage a such a diet can cause.

You may be asking yourself…what’s wrong with juicing? It’s supposed to be great for nutrition, weight loss, and general well-being, isn’t it? What could be bad about it? The answer to that question is a lot could be bad about this type of diet.

Unfortunately, people think that juice is good for them. They are wrong. Medical research has determined that juicing, in fact, is bad for you and you should avoid it as a sustained diet at all costs. Read a recent article published by the Washington Post where it is made clear that regular use of such a diet may be the root cause of health problems over a period of time, especially diabetes because of the high sugar content.  Juicing on a regular basis is simply not an avenue to maintaining good health. See the video below for more details about the hazards of juicing.

The Washington Post article goes on the say that water is a better alternative. In fact, water helps to balance weight and it is a great way to help maintain health. The benefits of alkaline water are even better. Alkaline water is a great alternative to juicing and it doesn’t have the disadvantages.  If you are going to have a liquid diet nothing could be better than drinking healthy water.

Now, if you are thinking that drinking bottled water might be a good thing get that thought out of your head. Most bottled water is acidic so you will simply be defeating your purpose for creating and maintaining good health by consuming it.  Click here and get the facts about bottled water and how drinking alkaline water has a number of benefits that you should know about before you take another gulp of juice.


Chromium 6 – Deadly Killer In 75% of Drinking Water

Chromium 6 - A deadly chemical in 75% of America's Drinking Water Chromium 6 has raised its ugly head again.Recent news reports reveal that seventy (75%) five percent of America’s drinking water is now contaminated with this horror, just lurking unknown to innocent consumers who are drinking water from faucets and other drinking water sources.

This substance is a deadly cancer-causing chemical highlighted by the movie Erin Brockovich. Chromium 6 health effects have become notoriously famous. One would think that after the tremendous amount of exposure given via the movie, various news media, and other information outlets, strong efforts would have been taken to remove this vile threat to human health.


Unfortunately, that has not occurred. The Chromium 6 cancer reality has now shown up as being a health care concern for some 218 million Americans. That’s more than half of the entire U.S. population.

EWG, a well-known and respected nonprofit research organization, analyzed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data on more than 60,000 samples collected at water utilities in all 50 states between 2013 and 2015. The agency based its research in large part on the standards set for the limits of chromium 6 in drinking water set by the State of California in 2014, which is the only drinking water standard for this chemical in the entire nation.  EWG’s analysis found 1,370 U.S. county water supplies with chromium-6 levels above California’s benchmark.

EWG found that Oklahoma, Arizona, and California have the highest statewide averages of this deadly chemical.  Phoenix has the highest of any city by far, followed by St. Louis and Houston with comparatively high levels.

According to Dr. Lynn Goldman, former EPA assistant administrator of toxic substances under President Bill Clinton, in an interview by PBS NewsHour.  “There should be no carcinogen in water,” “The overall problem here is, what does it take for EPA to speed up its standard-setting process?”

Therein lays the problem. The EPA, the so-called watchdog of our nation’s quality of drinking water, apparently doesn’t think chromium 6 is enough of a threat to our nation’s drinking water to do anything about it, despite the fact that substantial evidence shows that sufficient levels of this chemical are in our water system that could be harmful over a period of time of ingesting it.

Make no mistake about it, America’s drinking water systems are under siege from a host of directions, including old lead pipes that are burdened with carrying water from municipal water systems to household faucets and leaching lead into the water along the way, chemicals dumped into drinking water rivers and reservoirs by industrial manufacturing processes, harmful substances running off from farm production and a host of other sources that contribute to contamination in drinking water systems.

Take a look at the video below and you decide for yourself what you should do. Ask Yourself. Is my water safe?

What’s the solution?

The solution is clear. Every household and every responsible individual have to take personal responsibility for themselves and their loved ones to diligently guard and make safe the drinking water that is consumed.

If you think drinking bottled water is a safe and smart alternative, think again. Become aware of what the bottled water companies don’t want you to know. There is also an alternative way to make the water you drink from your faucet safer, cleaner and a benefit to your health for just pennies on a dollar. Click here for information.

Bottom line, your health is the most important asset you have. Without it, everything else will be of little benefit to you. Take charge of your health. Remember…Healthy water – Health life!