You Are What You Drink!

Pitcher pouring water

More and more, as nutritionists, medical, and scientific experts, put out reports it is being proven and established that our health in large part is affected by and in most cases controlled by what we put into our bodies.  Many people, because of lack of knowledge and bad habits have become overweight, sick, and prescription dependent, primarily because of what they put into their bodies. Due to advertising and the hypnotic affect of that monster called a television, people have become mesmerized and eat, drink, sleep and live based on information fed to them by huge hungry corporations that are driven only by the all mighty dollar.

What worries you most? Decaying teeth, thinning bones, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, cancer, obesity? Whatever tops your list, you may be surprised to know that all of these health problems are linked to the beverages you drink — or don’t drink. Guess what it’s not water. In fact water is often low on the list when it comes to what most people are drinking on a daily basis. Yet water is the thing that should be concentrated on the most. 

There is an old saying “You are what you eat.” Yes, that is partly true but it’s a truer statement to say “You are what you drink.” Our bodies are over seventy percent (70%) water. Water is the one component that can make or break our health, yet the average person does not consume nearly as much water as should be consumed on a daily basis. A New York Times article points out the importance of getting enough water in our bodies and how it can keep the body healthy and ward off the disease and decay of the physical maladies mentioned above.

More recently water has become even more important for assisting in anti-aging, maintaining beauty and ensuring the body is ridden of acid which is the number one cause of creating an environment in which disease can exist in the human body. In fact by changing your water you can change your life. 

See How Changing Your Water Can Change Your Life – View The Video Below

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Roy Landers